Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Toddler Babbles

Wyatt was picking me onion flowers today, and one of the pictures I took gave me pause--he soon won’t be my little boy anymore. His looks are changing rapidly to look like a toddler instead of a baby & he needs me less everyday. I feel so guilty spending time with the babies and shorting Wyatt on his “Mommy Time.” Two babies demand so much attention & have increased the workload around here so much that Wyatt has had to learn to entertain himself more than I’d like. How I long for those afternoons when we would sit quietly for an hour and read book after book without a fussing duet or cuddle for 15 uninterrupted minutes after naptime. I just want to sit and hold him close while he snuggles against my neck, kiss his sweet little face over and over and tell him how much mommy loves him…those moments are all too infrequent and fleeting. When he was born, I never could have imagined how I would love him so completely. It's at moments like these when the mother in me can't fathom God sending Jesus down to earth to be born, knowing he would die such a painful death for the sins of an uncaring world. That's a level of love that renders me speechless.

Just in the past two weeks, he's started singing all the cute little songs like "Jesus Loves the Little Children", can say his blessing at mealtime (with a loud "Amen"), and rattles off nursery rhymes in the tub. I’ve started compiling a list of Wyatt sayings and responses I know I’m going to miss, even if they sometimes drive me crazy now:

I do it! / Wy do it!
No. Mommy do it! (when I’ve told him to do something)
No. I play choo choo (when I tell him to go potty)
I want tookie (cookie)
Peaceman (policeman)
I walk it! (don’t carry me!)
CHOO CHOO!!!!!!!!! (pushing around anything he thinks is a train)
To stand on (when I ask why he needs a stool—dumb mommy)
I have pew-wee (did a #2 in the diaper)
I need a doopy (diaper is wet)
My favorite
NO MOMMY!! (when Doug kisses or hugs me)
Hey mommy. What doin?
MayIHelp? (learned from Pooh Helps Out book)
Want somethin tweet
MilkandMuffin (first request when he wakes up)
I did it! (when he goes on the potty)
You did it, Mommy! (when I go to the potty)
It stuck! (anything that’s closed & he can’t open)
Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? (when he's in trouble & knows it)
Mommy have moles (I regret calling tiny brown sunspots moles…)
That hut (falls off tricycle, mommy grabs him...pick something)
My hair mess up (usually because his hands are in it!)
Yes maammmmmmm (how he repeats “yes ma’am” back to me)
A great big hug! (from I Love You My Bunnies book)
Neeeeeva (how he says his Sunday School teacher’s name)
Opa’s Field! (what he says when he sees anybody’s green pasture)
Go outside?
Play sokka ball.

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