If a tomato falls on the kitchen floor and no one is around, does anybody hear it?
Amelia's super-sensory hearing works to her advantage this time. She not only hears, but she also uses her new-found crawling ability to go from the living room to the kitchen to eat said tomato. Nothing was left but the outer skin.
I’m so glad you stopped in! Please know your dropping by is no coincidence. Instead, God has directed you here. This blog seeks to encourage Christians who want to love Jesus more deeply and to share Jesus with those who don't know Him as Savior and Lord. I blog not for any personal fame but for God’s glory alone. I'm nothing more than a tool in God's hands as He seeks to draw men and women to saving faith in Him. Each day, I’m focused on my walk with Jesus, my husband & three children, and my online teaching. I squeeze under the same roof a 24-hour-a-day-stay-at-home-mommy life along with my full-time teaching life. If I somehow manage to find a chair during the day, it’s because I’m either reading to or feeding the children, critiquing student papers, or maybe I just fell into a chair out of exhaustion. I’m just a normal woman filled with insecurities, “issues,” a huge craving for more than 5 hours of sleep a night, and sometimes a desire to just lock the world out to enjoy the silence and stillness. If I've learned nothing else after 37 years, it's that life has a way of turning out for the good, just as God intends, if I wait on Him long enough.
She eats her veggies!